Kindness Project Ideas


11 fun & easy ideas for random acts of kindness, from Think Kindness
24+Quick Acts of Kindness from Doing Good Together
99 Simple Ways to Show Kindness from The Chopra Center
Collection of IDEAS  from Random Acts of Kindness
TEN weekly ideas for Schools from Random Acts of Kindness
52 Creative Good Deeds from GOODNET



Donate clothing, Sign a petition, Post something inspiring, Tip someone generously,  Compliment a stranger, Hold an elderly person’s hand, Bring a neighbor cookies, Offer to babysit, Be in conversations about GOOD, Smile at a stranger, Put flowers anonymously on someone’s desk, Buy a meal for someone that looks hungry, Do a chore, Pick up Trash, Provide company, Give someone a ride, Give food to a homeless person,  Take someone grocery shopping who doesn’t have a car, Help an elderly person clean up his or her front yard, Have a good conversation, Give away stuff you don’t need, Help someone sick get outside, , Find out what someone needs and try to help them get it, Treat someone to a meal, Make someone a meal, Give someone a ride, Open the gosh darn door.



Hold a blanket drive
Perform for Retirement Community or Home for Disabled
Visit with residents of local nursing homes or assisted living communities to offer companionship and activities
Serve meals in a Shelter
Volunteer at a Food Bank
Work with a local Parks and Recreation Services to identify community spaces in need of renovation and repair
Draw pictures to brighten hosptial rooms
Collect and donate toys and books
Devise crafts projects for children in hospitals
Create an activity book for younger children. Make multiple copies. Distribute with crayons to public health clinics and emergency waiting rooms
Work with a local Housing Authority to identify elderly residents in need of assistance  Partner with local home improvement or hardware stores that can provide supplies and expertise
Create an event in order to make money to support a cause or to purchase items for donating
Car wash, Rummage Sale, Bake Sale, Lemonade Stand

What else?



If you think it….you can do it!

Please post on our facebook page and let us know what you’re up to!